24/7 Global Word Competition против часов в этой быстро меняющейся игре «Слово-Строитель», которая обостряет ваши умственные навыки! Присоединяйтесь к живым 2-минутным матчам o
24/7 Global Word Competition
Race against the clock in this fast-paced word builder game that sharpens your mental skills! Join live 2-minute matches of ' Word Up ' where you compete against others to create the highest scoring words before the time is up.
1. Register for Digitalcade
2. Select 'Free Play' or '25¢ Play'
3. Begin playing ' Word Up ' to collect Tokens & Tickets to climb the Heat Meter and win the Jackpot!
Как играть
-Create words using the letter tiles in the chain.
-Press 'up' to push the tile to the word box.
-Press 'next' to skip the current tile.
-Once you have created a word (no proper nouns), press 'word' to add your word score to your overall score.
Будь осторожен! You cannot delete tiles once you insert them in the word box and invalid entries subtract points.
*Bonus Tiles & Score Multipliers*
Tiles with green letter points are Bonus Tiles that increase your Score Multiplier.
Mobile: Tap on the buttons at the bottom. Swipe functionality coming soon.
Desktop: Use the 'left', 'up', and 'right' keys or use your mouse to click.
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